12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a series of prayers that are said every day for 12 years. These prayers are believed to have been revealed to Saint Bridget of Sweden by Jesus Christ himself. The prayer is also known as the Brigittine Rosary or the Rosary of Our Lady.
To complete the 12 Year Prayer, one must say the following prayers every day for 12 years: - One Our Father - Seven Hail Marys - One Glory Be - One O Jesus, O Mary, I love you! Save souls!

Why Say the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is said to have many benefits, including: - Protection from temptation and sin - Strength and perseverance in times of trial - Peace and unity in families - Conversion of sinners and salvation of souls - Assistance in the hour of death
Additionally, some believe that the 12 Year Prayer can help one gain indulgences, or remissions of temporal punishment due to sin.

How to Say the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To begin the 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget, one must have a Rosary of Our Lady. Each day, say the prayers listed above while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary.
It is recommended to say the prayers at the same time every day, and to keep a record of each day's prayers to ensure completion of the 12 years.


Q: Do I have to say the prayers at the same time every day? A: It is recommended to say the prayers at the same time every day, but it is not required. The most important thing is to say the prayers every day.
Q: Can I say the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget with others? A: Yes, the 12 Year Prayer can be said with others. It can be a beautiful and powerful experience to pray the Rosary of Our Lady together.
Q: What if I miss a day of the 12 Year Prayer? A: If you miss a day of the 12 Year Prayer, simply continue the next day as usual. It is not necessary to start over.


The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a powerful and beautiful prayer that can bring many blessings to those who say it. By meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and saying the prayers every day for 12 years, one can experience protection, strength, peace, and salvation. Whether said alone or with others, the 12 Year Prayer is a wonderful way to deepen one's faith and devotion.